Trends and Best Practices shared at the Tech HR event by People Matters — KNOLSKAPE

3 min readAug 9, 2022

KNOLSKAPE is a global leader in Experiential Learning, and an uncompromising focus on ‘Experience’ and ‘Learning’ helps us retain that position and build on that reputation year after year. This also implies that the process of our learning, and then, sharing that learning is continuous and relentless.

KNOLSKAPE was recently a part of the Tech HR conference organised by People Matters, and we would like to share what we learnt at the event with all our peers:

· Human interactions over coffee and lunch will always be more impactful than virtual meetings

· The excitement and joy of having in-person meetings was significantly visible among the delegates at the event

· The outcome of a single meeting of 20–30 minutes with co-attendees proves significantly more fruitful than several virtual interactions.

· Don’t let the gadgets rule you

· Measure your steps — but do what your body allows you to do

· The best recovery is by a sound sleep — don’t let your digital watch decide how many hours of sleep your body needs

· Eat 90% healthy (no packets, no processed) — up to 10% junk can be allowed in the diet

· Avoid burn-out — Focus on emotional healing, mindfulness, and physical fitness

Emerging Trends/Recommendation in HR

· Know the business you support. Be more insight driven than data driven

· Understand business goals and the outcomes expected

· If the business needs timely talent acquisition — make that a priority and don’t focus on dashboards and policy changes

HR Skills for the Future

· Innovation

· Digital competency

· Global mindset

· Data analytics

· Complex problem solving

· Change management

· Inclusive leadership

· Design thinking

· Service orientation

· Social media expertise

9 Drivers for the Future of work

1. People centricity

2. Agile

3. DAO

4. Talent market

5. Skills

6. Trans-boarding

7. Web 3.0

8. Smart contracts

9. No code

9 Drivers for Enterprise acceleration

When the idea is for the enterprises to move faster and become more agile, the following criteria and trends are helpful in acceleration:

1. Business user-centricity

2. Big data enablement

3. Machine learning

4. Lean recruiting

5. Talent depth chart

6. Trans-boarding

7. “Fixed” performance index

8. 21st century learning

9. Non-monolithic organization structure

Crafting a Cohesive Culture with Human and Tech

The success of an organization is tied to the commitment that its employees feel towards it. A greater commitment impacts other key indicators like motivation, creativity, productivity, and innovation. Building mid-manager capability is the key. Enabling them for strategy execution and being the torchbearer for developing the right culture are imperatives.

Automation & People Tech Stack

· Automating some of the HR processes to focus efforts on building a great company culture

· Considering what best works for the organization, people, culture, and the maturity stage at which they are

And to conclude, it was very inspiring and heartening to receive great feedback and appreciation from our clients, partners, and peers at the event on our innovative solutions and the modern simulations that align with the current trends and marketplace demands.

Hope you found this piece useful. If you would like to know more about the leading trends in L&D and/or KNOLSKAPE’s advanced learning programs, feel free to get in touch. We would be glad to assist you.

Originally published at on August 9, 2022.

